NEW Cd is available now titled "Igzabihir Yakal". Contact Colleen via yahoo.com - Proceeds go to Peter for his continuing medical needs.
PETER BROGGS 'Igzabihir Yakal'
Jah see and know all things
I'd like to pass on a message of Peter's progress. For those of you that did not know, Peter suffered a stroke in August 2004. He continues each day working hard to regain his strength from the stroke. He has lost an enormous amount of weight but continues the struggle and hopefully he will be singing again one day soon.
A special heartfelt thanks goes out to Neil, Billy and all in Amsterdam where Peter recorded at Dub Creator prior to his stroke. This project is donating proceeds to help Peter with his medical needs and continues to help. Neil has written about the LP above.
For those that would like to purchase the NEW CD "Igzabirir Yakal"....... Paypal is available for you to purchases of the new CD or to make donations to Peter. You must have a debit or credit card. Go to www.paypal.com |
Three simple steps
- Sign up for a personal account
- Click the send money account
- Enter dollar amount and receivers email address ([email protected])
Checks can be made payable to Henry James.
Please note:
account # 00024302800 for deposit only
routing # 221981063
Mail to:
US Alliance Federal Credit Union
600 Midland Ave.
Rye, NY 10580
Peter can be contacted in Jamaica at 876-391-3260 or you can reach Colleen at [email protected]
Thank you!!
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Peter Broggs has always been a singer I love and respect, as a true musical messenger of Jah Rastafari. From the release of the now legendary debut LP 'Progressive youth' in the late seventies, right through to this time nowadays, the one Henry James has given us countless uplifting tunes in praise of our king.
Peter is a man who loves playing and freedom and he is very disappointed by the recent decision to destroy online poker in the United States. Indeed millions of online poker players are left with nearly no option to play anywhere. One of the very few choices available is one of the bonus codes, but these are minor rooms compared to the big ones that just got a slap in the face.
As a tribute to his personal talent as a reggae singer we proudly present Igzabihir Yakal, a collection of tunes first recorded at the Dub Creator studio in Amsterdam in 2001. Peter had just spent a time in the bush in Jamaica recovering from a series of ailments, looking fresh and healthy since he arrived in Amsterdam ...working began immediately, and in two days he had cut six tough tunes. Presented here are these tunes, accompanied by full dub pieces. Featuring live percussion from Jonah Dan Inner Sanctuary & Disciples.
When I heard of Peters recent stroke the shock waves sparked us into action. It was spontaniously decided that all profit from this project should be donated to Peter Broggs and his family as an assistance in his continuing struggle back to health.I and King Shiloh family and Dub Holdem Creator gladly give our time and energy for this worthy work. We thank the Sensi Seed family for their generous sponsorship and the Henk at Blue Mountain for his assistence therein.
It is appropriate then that the title reflects the power and glory of the Supreme Being, Jah Rastafari. Peter we say, stand firm: Jah sees and knows all things, all that you are doing, all you have done and all you will do. Igzabihir Yakal. He will not forsake In, Selah! Good Luck to you Peter. You are a great representative of Jamaican culture and as such we should all support you.
As a more recent update Peter has been progressively recovering. But you are not going to see him playing blackjack online a lot, as his vision has deteriorated a lot. He still tries to spend some time in his cucumber garden but not as much as before. So we wish all the best to him and hop that the Jah in his greatness will help him get better. At least he can enjoy beautiful Jamaica with all the good weather and beautiful panoramas.
Rencently he did a big garden cleanout and had to rent a dumpster as there was so much garbage and debris to remove after the work was done. He planted new trees such as banana trees and chocolate trees, so he can enjoy his own fruit instead of byuing them at the grocery shop.
A friend of his who works for a dumpster rental company let him use one of their dumpsters for free, nice gesture of his.
Waste management and cleaning up our cities is a crucial step for helping the environment get cleaner. That is why using dumpster rentals in Charleston or in other cities in the nation in order to gather all our debris materials and dispose of them in the local landfills is what all model citizens should do.
Also it is time for our country to establish limits on the water pollution that threatens families' health and drinking water. This pollution is poisoning the rivers, lakes and streams that supply the water to kitchen taps. Residents deserve clean drinking water, not water polluted with sewage, fertilizer and manure runoff. Clean-up volunteers tackle largely plastic pollution on our beaches as pollution on our beaches is getting worst fast, but government and industry is leaving it to volunteers to clean up the junk. Thank God companies such as Florida junk removal services have been helping collecting all sorts of litter over the years. For too many years, taxpayers have covered the costs of treating billions of gallons of agricultural runoff and removed thousands of tons of the sugar industry's phosphorus to protect the area. Isn't it time we tell them to store and treat their water pollution on their own lands?
But cleaning this mess up will cost us many times more than if our leaders would have had the political courage to limit the nutrient pollution in the first place. Scientists believe regulating nutrient pollution is necessary to prevent future outbreaks. In addition pollution can smother coral reefs, lower water quality, and make corals more susceptible to disease. Coral reefs need clean, clear water to survive. When sediment and other pollutants enter the water, they smother coral reefs, speed the growth of damaging algae, and lower water quality.
Peter cleans the beach when on vacation, and you can do it too! He takes advantage of his vacation by the water to clean up the beach of waste that pollutes it. An independent initiative not so trivial. Last year, he came to tell his freind about one of his summer activities: cleaning the beaches between two swimming. Recently he officially opened his Instagram account to show how important this issue is! By contacting him again, he explains that he has always felt concerned about protecting the environment and tries every day to adapt his behavior to limit his waste. He has been really into ecology and waste reduction of his carbon footprint for 5 years. He did it by changing his fashion statement, by changing his diet, and he aspires to get better at it over and over again. He has done a lot of research on the Internet, reading articles and books about recycling, waste management and junk removal. He even took eco-gesture training 3 years ago with the Spirit association.
He is now able to advise people on the steps to adopt to consume more ecologically, in their house this perhaps on insulation for example. Collecting your waste everywhere is a first step. The other habit that complements his daily life is collecting garbage that he comes across, no matter where. From the metro to work, to the park, or going to friends, everyone leaves their house during the day. It s already great if everyone can pick up trash they ve encountered on the road. He has been trying to do this every day for 5 years.
The principle is, educate everyone to pick up the waste that strews the ground during their walks. Cleaning the beach is a daily gesture. Since the beginning of he year, he has been trying to do it every day for at least 30 minutes on the beach, near a seaside resort. He has been going on vacation there for over 20 years and since it is not very big and he goes to the same place on the beach every year, he knows a lot of people there. Accompanied by his sister, he walks along the beach in search of abandoned garbage. Both wear old garden gloves to avoid cutting themselves by collecting glass or pieces of rusted metal and a bag. Sometimes they find a plastic bag already there and throw it away with the trash, but they rather think of finding an old bucket that they can wash after each round.
Indeed, the smallness of the local relief, the occupation of space, the remoteness of certain sites from the coast, lead to the search for the local solution adapted to waste management. However, is space really a constraining factor in the management of household waste? What are the spaces which adequately attest to these natural constraints and which respond to our problematic: rural, mountain or urban space?
Limiting ourselves to the space seen as a whole would have reduced our analysis, especially since the problems associated with the disposal of household waste are attributable to urban space. In general, predominantly urban municipalities produce much more waste than predominantly rural municipalities as can attest the rate of dumpster rentals in Portland. Environmental disparities are also felt in the coastal zone due to the relatively cramped space, resulting from the growing construction of housing, which certainly makes it possible to meet the demand and needs of a very high concentration of people (82% of the population lives on the coast: coastal strip 7 km wide), but which subsequently lead to limited construction areas.
So, how to manage household waste in a space welcoming a large population? However, the environmental problems marked by an excessive concentration of the population on the coasts, and therefore on a fragile ecosystem, do not stop there. Rural areas are not spared from this modern-day disease. In rural areas, household waste management requires specific adaptation to local particularities. In fact, in many small rural communities, the only means of treatment is landfill, while in larger municipalities incineration plants are emerging. But, in rural areas, can this form of waste recovery be considered given the low tonnages collected?
Nowadays he spends quite some time in the United States, including in Chicago.
At the foot of its forest of skyscrapers, Chicago is home to an impressive array of cultural and artistic highlights, great lakes and popular attractions.
The third largest city in the United States after New York and Los Angeles, is also the largest city in the Middle West. It is located in Illinois, on the west shore of Lake Michigan, one of the five Great Lakes, making it the largest inland port in the world.
At first glance, Chicago looks like an encyclopedia of contemporary open-air architecture. Huge buildings dominate the city center, the Loop, encircled by an aerial train. It is possible to access two of the tallest towers, the Willis Tower, former Sears Tower (442 meters), and further north, the John Hancock Center (344 meters). In addition, a walk through this area full of office buildings and restaurants, very pleasant and hectic during the week when the business is in full swing, but loses its charm on weekends when the streets of "Windy City" are deserted. In any case the Chicago real estate market is clearly booming.
Are we destroying the planet with our waste
Last year, more than nine million tons of plastic waste were dumped into our oceans. That's enough to cover the entire planet's coastlines. Imagine a world where there were no more beaches but only mountains of waste as far as the eye could see... But non-reusable plastics do not only transform our coasts into open-air dumps. They also destroy marine ecosystems.
Lifeless marine life washes up on our shores every day, reminding us how damaging non-biodegradable and non-reusable plastic materials are to the environment, despite their short lifespan! Today, the whole world is becoming aware of the terrible consequences of excessive plastic consumption, but it may already be too late...
Why we need to recycle
Although some plastics are not recyclable, local authorities also do not have all the same capacities when it comes to waste management and local dumpster rental services. It is important to know what skills your municipality has in this area, such as waste management services in Riverside, CA. The majority of public managers will be able to collect plastic bottles given that they are mainly made of PET or PE-HD, reusable plastic materials to make trash cans, supplies or packaging.
Which plastic bottles to recycle:
- All transparent or colored plastic bottles used daily at home or in the office
- Detergent and soap bottles, excluding soap dispensers
- Bottles of cleaning products
- Skin care products
- Shampoo or shower gel bottles
- Bottles used for consumption: water, soda, sweet drinks, etc.
- Milk bottles
The weekend lends itself to visiting museums, including the famous Art Institute of Chicago>, but also the Museum Campus, located in Grant Park at the edge of the lake, which includes the Adler Planetarium & Astronomy Museum, the Field Museum and the Shedd Aquarium.
North of Grant Park, the Navy Pier is a jetty on Lake Michigan: a great place to stroll from shopping to dining and entertaining on the Ferris wheel. From there, cruise ships on the lake and admire the skyline.
On the other side of the Chicago River, along Michigan Avenue (the main artery of the city), is the realm of shopping, especially on Magnificient Mile, which is 1.6 km in length between the Chicago River and Oak Street. Some must-see sites are close by: Drake Hotel, John Hancock Center, Water Tower Place, Pumping Station, Hotel InterContinental, Tribune Tower and Wrigley Building.